Friday, March 28, 2008


The next Ming Tsai? Maybe... Last night after our wine tasting event Karen and I were sitting in the kitchen of her home talking and her son Andrew is whipping up a beautiful Meyer lemon meringue pie. From scratch no less. Since it was so late we opted to eat it for breakfast.
Yes, we did we had a slice for breakfast with our coffee. It was really good too. The crust was flaky and tender and the filling and meringue were perfect. I was really impressed.
He said cooking is like chemistry..the kid's got it. Baking especially, is exactly chemistry.. the blending of ingredients to cause a chemical reaction ie: cake to rise, meringue to whip up, or milk to curdle. What a great way to get kids interested in chemistry and math.. cook!
It seems Andrew does quite a bit of cooking for the family and from what his mother says he does a great job of it. I hope he keeps up his love of cooking, who knows he may be the next celebrity chef, if not to the world at least to his family.

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