Friday, October 1, 2010

October Challenge- A month of unprocessed food

I saw this on Catherine's blog a while back and thought OK, I really don't use that much processed foods so this might be doable. I saw it again on Facebook and went to the blog of Eating Rules to find out what it is all about. Check out the blog and decide for yourself if this is a challenge that would make a change in your life. I signed up to take the challenge and I challenge all of you to do the same. Now if your a fast food junkie or out of the box, freezer section of the grocery store kind of eater, this maybe a really life changing experience, not to mention health changing. So, go sign up for the challenge.. start eating real food that doesn't last on your shelf for years and have ingredients that you can't pronounce. Food that is really food.
So, it's October and time to start the challenge here is Andrew's definition of unprocessed. "Any food that could be made by a person with reasonable skill in a home kitchen with readily available, whole food ingredients" For a more indepth definition and examples go to his blog
If you are looking at bread for example, make sure it is whole grained and has no additives or preservatives, or make your own. I would say any type of breakfast meat would be out unless you find a butcher who has bacon that is uncured with nitrates. What does that leave? Eggs, potatoes, butter (real) whole grain bread, Oatmeal..not the instant in the baggies from Quaker. The real kind you have to cook, and let me tell you it is has so much more flavor. Agave nectar and honey are great as sweeteners. One will just need to put a little thought and reading of ingredients into shopping for food this month. You may not be 100% unprocessed but even if you are 50% that's so much more healthful than what you ate the month before.
I may not be able to do this 100% either.. but I'm going to give it a good shot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice article as for me. I'd like to read more concerning that theme. The only thing this blog needs is some photos of any gadgets.

Alex Stepman
jammers cellphone

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