Thursday, October 13, 2011


 It must be fall, I'm starting to cook more.  As I said before our eggplant bush is finally producing eggplants.  I've been craving Indian food so I made this eggplant and tomato curry.  To the left is my curry tree.  Poor plant was doing well until I forgot about it and a lot of the stems fell off, but considering it was about 4 inches tall when I first got it, I think it's done pretty well despite my great (or not so great) gardening skills.

Eggplant with Roasted Chilies and Tomato
adapted from 660 Curries by Raghavan Lyer

2 Tbsp canola oil
3 Tbsp urad dal
1 Tbsp coriander seeds
5 dried red Thai or cayenne chilies
1 tsp black mustard seeds
1 medium eggplant, cut into 1" cubes
12-15 medium to large fresh curry leaves
11/2 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp ground tumeric
1 medium tomato diced
1/4C chopped cilantro
1C water

Heat the oil in a medium skillet over medium high heat.  Sprinkle in 2 Tbsp urad dahl, coriander seeds, and the chilies.  Roast stirring constantly until the dahl has browned and the chilies have blackened a bit, 2-3 minutes.  Using a slotted spoon transfer the spices to a plate to cool.  Once the spices have cooled, place in a spice grinder and grind until the consistency of finely ground black pepper.  Set aside.
ground spices: urad dahl, chilies, coriander seeds 
 Reheat the oil in the skillet and add the mustard seeds, cook the mustard seeds until they begin to pop.  Add the remaining urad dahl (1Tbs) and fry until golden.  Add the eggplant and curry leaves. Stir fry coating the eggplant with the spiced oil and partially cook for 5 minutes.

stir fried eggplant, curry leaves and spices
Stir in the salt and tumeric.  Add the water (1C) which should instantly come to a  boil.  Continue to simmer uncovered stirring occasionally  until the eggplant is soft and tender and most of the liquid has been absorbed. About 8 to 10 minutes.
Mix in the tomato, ground spice blend and cilantro..heat through.
Serve with Nan bread or rice.
This is so good and easy and quick to make. 
*I fried all 5 chilies but only ground up 3 of them, I think I could have ground up all five of them.  Grind as many as you can tolerate.

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